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Its about keeping the name alive!

Scammell has to be one, if not the one, of the most talked about and highly regarded Commercial vehicle makers this country has ever produced.

As with most things british it started from lowly roots and became a world leader in Commercial Vehicles and especially Heavy Haulage, very Heavy Haulage.

Some of the largest loads ever moved around the globe have been moved by Scammells and many are still working on our roads today.... HLK 97T for example!

An ever increasing band of enthusiasts and owners are keeping these trucks alive and hopefully the pictures and other information in this web site adds something to this.

I am a late comer to the Scammell scene but thanks to some great people I have met along the way, not least Clive Sweeting from ProTruck Services, Parry Davies from the Scammell Register and many others, I am learning fast and already know that my association with these great trucks will be a long one.

If you have anything you want to say about Scammells in general or just want to add your tuppence worth drop me a line.

If you need to know anything and can not find the information you require get in touch. I probably wont know the answer, unless its about the Crusader, but I might know a man who does!

If we dont keep these Great Trucks rolling who will?

Lets not let them be turned into Chinese RSJ's, They deserve much more than that!!


